Cookies – what are they?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the visitor’s computer in order for us to remember the settings to use when they visit the website.

Your cookies settings

Here you can choose if you want to allow us to save analytics cookies on your computer or cellphone.

Your preferences have been saved

We primarily use cookies to improve visitor experience and so that we are able to track how our visitors navigate the website. It assists us to help visitors find the right information. No personal information, such as your email or name, will be saved in our cookies.

There are first-party cookies set by the website you are visiting and third-party cookies set by a third-party website. There are also similar technologies such as pixel tags (transparent images that may be in emails sent to you) and web storage (which can be used to store information in the user’s browser). We refer to all of these technologies as ‘cookies’.

Different types of cookies:

  • Session cookies are temporarily stored in the computer’s memory while you navigate the website. When you close your browser, the session cookies are deleted.
  • Persistent cookies are cookies that are stored on your device for the period specified in the cookie, or until you delete them yourself.

You can always delete cookies that have been saved on your computer. You can also change the settings in your browser according to how you want cookies to be handled.

Our website uses the following cookies:

  • ‘AVShoppingListCookie’ is used in the online shop and keeps track of what you have added to your basket. It lasts for two hours and is renewed each time you add to or change something in your basket.
  • ‘ASP.NET_SessionId’ - a session cookie used by the online shop.
  • ‘cookieaccept’ - used to remember that cookies have been accepted. This is an infinite cookie to prevent you from having to accept cookies several times.
  • ‘AvPosting’ - used in the Report a Posting service. It lasts for two hours and is renewed each time you make changes in the service.
  • _pk_id.*.* Used by our web analytics tool Matomo to collect statistics to improve the website and to provide a positive user experience. It lasts for 1 year and 1 month.
  • _pk_ses.*) Used by our web analytics tool Matomo to collect statistics to improve the website and to provide an improved user experience. It lasts for 30 minutes.
  • "espace" – A cookie used by our E-space survey tool. It contains information about the time spent on the website and the surveys that have been viewed and closed. It lasts for one year.
  • ‘espace_session’ – A session cookie used by our E-space survey tool. It contains information about the time spent on the website.

How can you control our use of cookies?

If you prefer to restrict, block or delete your cookies from, or from any other website, you can do so via your browser or mobile phone settings. Use the Help menu on your browser or device to learn more about how to change these settings. For example, you may choose to block all cookies, to only accept first-party cookies, or to delete cookies when you close your browser.

If you block the use of cookies, you will not be able to use services that require you to log in.

What are log files and what do we use them for?

When you use the website it automatically collects and saves information as log files, which it sends to the server. These log files contain the following information:

  • web browser and browser version
  • operating system (for example, Windows 10, iOS, Android etc.)
  • incoming URL
  • computer name
  • time and date
  • IP address

This data is not used in conjunction with other data; it is only used to detect problems with the website, attacks and the like. The collection of this data is carried out in accordance with Article 6 (1) (e) GDPR.

Last updated 2024-10-24