Notify if you use genetically modified micro-organisms, GMMs

If you use genetically modified micro-organisms, GMMs, in your activities, you must notify the Swedish Work Environment Authority.

The Swedish Work Environment Authority needs to be aware of all use of GMMs in Sweden, where it is carried out and by whom. We need to know, for instance, that your facility is appropriately designed and equipped. The reason for this is the so-called ‘precautionary principle’ which applies throughout the EU. This means that more protective measures should be taken rather than too few.

Notify or apply for a permit?

Before you commence a GMM activity, you must notify it, or apply for a permit for it, depending on the category to which the activity belongs. There are three categories:


F activity

Containment level 1

L activity

Containment level 2


R activity

Containment level 3-4

In which cases should you notify or apply for a permit?

Submit a notification or an application for a permit for a new GMM activity if

  1. you wish to start a GMM activity which you have not carried out previously
  2. you wish to add a new GMM use to an existing activity
  3. you need to increase the containment level for one or more GMM uses
  4. you change the nature of your activity - you may, for example, have conducted laboratory activity involving a GMM and wish to use the same GMM to infect animals or plants, or culture them in a large-scale activity
  5. you move your activity to a new facility
  6. a different operator with a different business identity code takes over your GMM activity

For a new use in an existing F activity you merely have to submit an update. Forms for this are available on our website. You submit them in the same way as your notifications or permit applications.

Carry out a workplace investigation

You must carry out an investigation to assess which protective measures are necessary. Summarise the investigation in writing and set out which protective measures are necessary to enable you to use GMMs safely. You are required to do so under Section 3 of our regulation on contained use of genetically modified micro-organisms (AFS 2011:2).

The Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations on contained use of genetically modified micro-organisms (AFS 2011:2), (Swedish)

How to notify or apply for a permit

Last updated 2023-03-07