Building and civil engineering work, design, building work environment coordination

Construction work is risky. If you are a contractor or have a role as a client, building work environment coordinator or designer, such as an architect or structural engineer, you can make a difference. Nobody should become ill, get injured or die as a result of their work.

On these pages you will find support for how to prevent risks for health and safety during all stages of a construction project.

What is building and civil engineering work?

Building and civil engineering work can be simply described as all work needed to erect, maintain and demolish a building or an structure.

Read more about what is regarded as building and civil engineering work:

What are the work environment risks?

The construction industry is one of the industries with the most fatalities from occupational accidents, serious accidents and occupational illnesses.

Reasons for the risks include the fact that construction sites are temporary workplaces where the work environment and risks are constantly changing. New collaborations often arise during both the planning and design phase and in the construction phase, because many different operators are involved. It is common for one operator to plan and design a job, which is later performed by a different operator.

Other factors that can increase the risk of accidents and ill health include

  • deficiencies in planning and design
  • many high-risk elements
  • time pressure
  • insufficient knowledge about the risks and how to prevent them
  • lacks in the safety culture.

Find out more about the risks and how they can be prevented.

How can the work environment risks be prevented?

The work to prevent work environment risks needs to start at an early stage of the construction project, during the planning and design phase This helps to avoid ill health and accidents later in the construction project and in the future use of the building or structure.

Continue to plan and organise the work and the workplace during the construction phase to minimise the risks. The work environment risks that could not be eliminated through planning and design need to be managed and minimised: the same applies to unforeseen risks that arise. The work environment plan should describe measures to counter the risks.

Prevent risks during design and building work environment coordination

The roles client, designer and building work environment coordinator are important for preventing work environment risks that can arise during the construction stage or during the building’s or structure´s operation phase. You also have a responsibility for the work environment if you design in order to produce prefabricated buildings or structures .

During the planning and design phase, you create the conditions for a safe work environment. The coordination of those involved in the construction project is significant.

Find out more about how to prevent risks during design and building work environment coordination:

Plan and organise the construction site and the work to prevent risks

Plan the construction site and establishment area carefully, so that everyone who works there can do so without the risk of ill health and accidents. For example, plan

  • how the handling and transport of materials and waste can be properly organised
  • how vehicles and people can move around safely
  • the location of staff areas
  • fire safety work.

This planning also includes deciding what working methods and equipment are to be used.

You can read more here:

Draw up a work environment plan

A work environment plan must be drawn up for many building and civil engineering works. The work environment plan should function as a governing document for how health and safety management in the construction project is supposed to be conducted and should describe measures against risks. The purpose is to prevent the risk of accidents and ill health in the construction stage.

You can find out more about the work environment plan here:

Many parties have work environment responsibilities

Every employer in a construction project is responsible for the work environment of its employees and hired personnel, but there are also other parties who have work environment responsibilities.

If you have one of the following roles, you have work environment responsibilities and work environment tasks in the construction project:

  • client
  • designer (architect, designer or other who plan or design)
  • building work environment coordinator for the planning and design phase (Bas‍-‍P) or the construction phase (Bas-U)
  • producer of prefabricated buildings or structures
  • contractor (employer, self-employed or family business).

Others  that conduct activities at a shared workplace on the construction site and the party that is in control of the workplace also have a certain responsibility for the work environment.

Different companies often have the roles of client, designer and employer for those who carry out the building or construction work. Because there are so many different parties involved, there are special rules for construction work which specify who has work environment responsibility.

You can read more here about your role's responsibilities for the work environment:

The employer's work environment responsibilities

Our provisions for systematic work environment management apply to all employers – regardless of the activities or the risks that the employees could be exposed to.

As an employer, you need to work systematically with the work environment so that your employees do not get sick, get injured or die because of their jobs. You must take all necessary measures in the work environment. To be able to take your responsibility, you must know the content of the Work Environment Act and other work environment regulations.

As a contractor, you must contribute to the work environment management at the joint construction site, in addition to your employer responsibility. You are responsible for

  • not putting others at risk
  • providing the building work environment coordinator for the construction phase (Bas-U) with information about risks
  • participating in the coordination and following the rules of order and safety that apply to the workplace.

You can find out more about systematic work environment management here:

Employees and safety representatives are important for a good work environment

Employees and safety representatives have an important role in work environment management. As an employer, you must give all employees the opportunity to participate in work environment management. For example, you can let employees suggest measures or provide feedback on measures you have implemented.

Safety representatives should participate in the construction project

A client who is also an employer must allow employees and safety representatives to participate in the planning of a building project where the client should build or renovate workplaces for its own staff.

The building work environment coordinator for the construction phase (Bas-U) must also give the safety representatives, who have been appointed by the contractors in the construction project, the opportunity to participate in the joint safety activities of the building site, and consult with them.

Employees' participation in work environment management

As an employee, you must participate in work environment management and participate in implementing the measures needed to achieve a good work environment. You must follow the employer's instructions. You must also immediately report to your employer or your safety representative if the work involves an immediate and serious danger to life or health and await notification that the work is so safe that it can be continued.

What work environment rules apply to a construction project?

  • The work environment rules that specifically apply to the construction stage are found in two different regulations:

    • Design and building work environment coordination – basic obligations (AFS 2023:3)
    • Chapter 5, Building and civil engineering work in Risks with certain types of work (AFS 2023:13)

    The provisions on design and building work environment coordination are basic rules that only apply to the roles

    • client
    • designer
    • building work environment coordinator (Bas-P and Bas-U)
    • those who produce pre-fabricated buildings or structures.

    Chapter 5, Building and civil engineering work in the provisions on risks with certain types of work applies to all these roles:

    • contractor (employers, self-employed and family businesses)
    • client
    • designer
    • building work environment coordinator (Bas-P and Bas-U).

    Who is to be covered by the respective provision must be assessed based on the possibility to influence the work environment, and may vary based on the stage of a construction project.


    Illustration of regulations in which you can find work environment rules that specifically apply to the construction stage.

    For clients, designers and those who produce pre-fabricated buildings or structures, there are provisions on responsibility for the work environment in the future use:
    • Design and building work environment coordination – basic provisions (AFS 2023:3)
    • Design of workplaces (AFS 2023:12)

  • There are other work environment rules that also apply, so you need to read a number of other provisions. Which ones you need to read depends on your role and the work environment risks that may occur in the building project:

    • The provisions on Systematic work environment management (AFS 2023:1) apply to all employers.
    • All parties in the construction project need to be aware of and comply with parts of the provisions on
      • risks in the work environment (AFS 2023:10) which covers noise, vibration and ergonomics, among other things
      • work equipment and personal protective equipment – safe use (AFS 2023:11).

Last updated 2025-03-10