Swedish labour market model and collective agreements
Here is information on what the Swedish labour market model is, links to collective agreements in various industries and contact information to responsible employer- and employee-representative organisations.
The Swedish labour market model – an interaction between legislation and collective agreements
The relationship between employers and employees and their organisations is regulated in Sweden in several laws. The labour market parties can make extensive deviations from the legislation through collective agreements. A collective agreement is a written agreement on terms of employment between an employer-representative organisation or an employer and a union organisation. This may also regulate other conditions between employers and employees. The National Mediation Office has more information on the Swedish model.
National Mediation Office website, opens in a new window
Collective agreements and contact information
As a posting employer, you can sign collective agreements with a Swedish employee-representative organisation or become a member of a Swedish employer-representative organisation and thereby become bound by a Swedish collective agreement. The employee-representative organisations have the right to take industrial action to get posting employers to sign collective agreements.
If you have questions about what wages or holiday applies for posted workers or the content of a specific collective agreement, please contact the respective organisation below.
Employer-representative organisations
Almega (employer-representative organisation for the Swedish service sector)
Almega is an employer-representative organisation that supports service companies in Sweden.
Almega website, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, IT-companies, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, Media companies, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, Audit and consulting, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, Real estates, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
Fremia is an employer within cooperation, civil society and idea-based welfare.
Grafiska företagen (The Swedish Graphic Industries' Federation)
Grafiska företagen is an employer and trade organisation for Swedish companies within the graphic and packaging industry, as well as other sectors associated with the graphic industry.
The Swedish Graphic Industries' Federation website, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, Graphic industries, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
Gröna arbetsgivare (The Swedish Federation of Green Employers)
The Swedish Federation of Green Employers, is an organisation for employers in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, landscaping, golf and animal clinics.
The Swedish Federation of Green Employers website, opens in a new window
Svensk Scenkonst (The Swedish Performing Arts Association)
Svensk Scenkonst in an employer-representative organisation within the fields of theatre, music, and dance.
The Swedish Performing Arts Association website, opens in a new window
Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner, SKR (The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions)
The Swedish association of local authorities and regions (SALAR) is an employer-representative organisation that represents and advocates local government in Sweden. All of Sweden's municipalities and regions are members of SALAR.
The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions website, opens in a new window
Employee-representative organisations
Akademikerförbundet SSR (The Union for Professionals SSR)
Akademikerförbundet SSR is a trade union for university graduates with a degree in social science, behavioral science or social work.
The Union for Professionals website, opens in a new window
Akavia is a trade union for business professionals and economists, lawyers, social scientists, IT-academics, HR-professionals, and communication specialists.
Akavia website, opens in a new window
Byggnads (The Swedish Construction Workers' Association)
Svenska Byggnadsarbetareförbundet, Byggnads, is a trade union for construction workers.
The Swedish Construction Workers' Association website, opens in a new window
DIK är is a trade union within the cultural, communications and creative sectors.
DIK website, in Swedish, opens in a new window
Elektrikerna (The Swedish Electricians' Association)
Elektrikerna is a trade union for employees within the electrical industry.
The Swedish Electricians' Association website, in Swedish, opens in a new window
Finansförbundet (Union for the financial sector)
Finansförbundet is a trade union within the financial sector.
Union for the financial sector website, opens in a new window
Fysioterapeuterna (The Swedish Association of Physiotherapists)
Fysioterapeuterna is a trade union for physiotherapists in Sweden.
The Swedish Association of Physiotherapists website, opens in a new window
GS is a trade union within the forestry, woodworking and graphic industries.
GS website, opens in a new window
Hotell- och restaurangfacket, HRF (The Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union)
Hotell- och restaurangfacket is a trade union for employees in hotels, restaurants and entertainment establishments.
The Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union website, in Swedish, opens in a new window
IF Metall
IF Metall is a trade union within, among others, the following industries: plastic, medical products, construction material, steel, chemical and engineering industry.
IF Metall website, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, IF Metall, Svemek, pdf in Swedish, opens in new window
Collective agreements concerning the duty of peace in the case of certain posting of labor
Industriarbetsgivarna - Industriarbetsgivarna site
08-762 67 55
Journalistförbundet (The Swedish Union of Journalists)
Journalistförbundet is a trade union which organises professionally active journalists.
The Swedish Union of Journalists website, opens in a new window
Kyrkans Akademikerförbund
Kyrkans akademikerförbund is the union for academics working within the church of Sweden.
Svenska kyrkans avtal 2023, pdf in Swedish, opens in new window
Kommunal (The Swedish Municipal Workers' Union)
Kommunal is a trade union with members in municipalities, regions, cooperatives, churches, agriculture and also in private companies.
The Swedish Municipal Workers' Union website, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, public transport, pdf in Swedish, opens in new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, welfare sector (AB-P), pdf in Swedish, opens in new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, home service, pdf in Swedish, opens in new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, green sector, pdf in Swedish, opens in new window
Ledarna (The Managers)
Ledarna is a trade union for managers in Sweden.
The Managers website, opens in a new window
Landsorganisationen, LO (The Swedish Trade Union Confederation)
LO is the central organisation for 14 affiliates which organise workers within both the private and the public sectors.
The Swedish Trade Union Confederation website, opens in new window
Livsmedelsarbetareförbundet, Livs (The Food Workers’ Union)
Livsmedelsarbetareförbundet is a trade union within the food industry.
The Food Workers’ Union website, opens in a new window
Läkarförbundet (The Swedish Medical Association)
Läkarförbundet is a trade union for doctors.
The Swedish Medical Association website, opens in a new window
Sveriges Lärare (Swedish Teachers’ Union)
The Swedish Teachers´ Union website, in Swedish, open in a new window
Målarna (The Swedish Painters' Association)
Målarna is the union for building painters, material workers, iron painters, service workers, car painters, industrial painters and meters.
The Swedish Painters' Association website, in Swedish, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted rust protection painters, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted building painters, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
Pappers (Union for Paper Industry Workers)
Pappers is a trade union within the pulp and paper industry.
Union for Paper Industry Workers website, in Swedish, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, Pappers, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
SACO-S and the Swedish Agency for Government Employers
An agreement exists between SACO-S and the Swedish Agency for Government Employers.
SEKO is a trade union within the following sectors: civil, energy, defence, postal, telecommunications, traffic, road, railroad and sea.
SEKO website, in Swedish, opens in a new window
SRAT (academics within health, communication and management)
SRAT is a trade union for university graduates or professionals with a college degree, specialists and managers in the fields of health, communication and management.
SRAT website, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, SRAT, communication, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
Collective agreement för posted workers, SRAT, optician, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
SRAT rail traffic
Collective agreement for posted workers, SRAT, rail traffic, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
ST (The Union of Civil Servants)
ST is a trade union that solely focuses on organising employees within state agencies.
The Union of Civil Servants website, opens in a new window
Sveriges Ingenjörer (The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers)
Sveriges Ingenjörer is a trade union for graduate engineers.
The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers website, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted officials within construction, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
Sveriges skolledarförbund (The Swedish Association of School Principals and Directors of Education)
Sveriges skolledarförbund is a trade union for managers within the field of education.
TCO (The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees)
TCO comprises 13 affiliated trade unions. Its members work in all parts of the labour market, for example in schools, healthcare, trade, the media, the police, manufacturing industries, IT and telecom.
TCO website, opens in a new window
Teaterförbundet (The Swedish Union for Performing Arts and Film)
Teaterförbundet is a trade union within the performing arts and film industry.
The Swedish Union for Performing Arts and Film website, opens in a new window
Transportarbetareförbundet (The Swedish Transport Workers´ Union)
Svenska Transportarbetareförbundet is a trade union for workers in the following industries: lorries and trucking, warehouses, security, flight maintenance, newspaper distribution, waste and recycling, taxi, gas stations, petrol handling, tire shops and more.
The Swedish Transport Workers´ Union website, opens in a new window
Collective agreement for posted workers, transport work, pdf in Swedish, opens in a new window
TULL-KUST (The Swedish Customs and The Swedish Coast Guard)
TULL-KUST is a trade union for employees in The Swedish Customs and The Swedish Coast Guard.
TULL-KUST website, in Swedish, opens in a new window
Unionen (The Union)
Unionen is a trade union for white-collar workers in the private sector.
The Union website, opens in a new window
Vision is a trade union for white-collar workers, regardless of their educational background, in municipalities, county councils, churches and other religious communities, as well as private companies within the welfare system.
Vårdförbundet (The Swedish Association of Health Professionals)
Vårdförbundet is a trade union for four registered professions: nurses, midwives, biomedical scientists and radiographers.
Last updated 2025-01-07